This past Fall, CrossCity’s Mission Department was blessed with the helping hand of Ortie Martinez. She has become an integral part of our Missions department, and our church, since becoming a member here in January of 2021. Ortie said, “It was Saturday and I was coming from Chowchilla Prison, and I heard the Holy Spirit say “Go to CrossCity tonight”. Then I thought, “Am I hearing right?” So I kept driving and didn’t go. The following week, the very same thing from the Holy Spirit. I actually was having a conversation with Him and asked “Why? Why do you want me to go there? It’s too big, I don’t know anyone there, etc. To be honest CrossCity was not my kind of church. I’m used to a small church, a charismatic type where the worship is longer, and you know people personally”

 “I went that evening. Then I started going to Singles and Women’s Bible Study. I was actually surprised my second week at church, Autumn said “Hi Ortie”. With a name like mine, I was surprised she remembered! I felt so welcomed, and loved here. Now I have a lot of friends at CrossCity!” 

With a faith like Ortie’s, it’s very easy to assume that she’s known the Lord her entire life. Shockingly enough, the Lord didn’t take over her heart until later in life. Here’s what she had to say: “I gave my life to the Lord in 1992. But I was encountered by the Lord in 2007; I will never forget that! Just when I thought I knew the Lord, I found that there was always a constant desire in me to know Him more. God has shown me time and time again to sit a little closer, and go in a little deeper with Him.” 

This past February, our Missions Department held what we called a “Missions Fair”, where we invited all our local partners to come and advertise their ministries in hopes that our congregants would have a desire to plug in and start serving locally. Ortie’s was one of our most exciting examples of seeing the fruition of our goals. Ortie shared, “I was interested in Youth for Christ; I went online to see what they were about. Even though I’d heard about the ministry, I didn’t know how much it had to offer. I went to one of their events, and then filled out a volunteer application. I was interested in Juvenile Justice, but then saw they had a Group Home opening. After volunteering with them, I interviewed for the Group Home position and got hired in late May; this is the first time that Youth for Christ has had interns for Group Life.” “My role as a group life intern is to go every week and share the love of Jesus, and to engage with them in a group setting or one on one. I help them build a relationship with Jesus, mentor and guide them in the right direction in everyday life, and let them know God has a plan and a purpose for them even when they don’t see it. In the good times and the hard times He is there. I listen to their real life stories and get to know them personally; that’s all they want is for someone to listen to them. To let them know God is their biggest cheerleader, and I’m rooting for them too!”

Youth For Christ has a big impact on the community by being committed to the youth in not only leading them to Jesus, but to be a follower of Jesus and live their life as a Christian. YFC partners with churches and like minded people that are a big part in serving the community. This is our next generation; the hope is that they will carry the torch as they get older and one day be able to speak life to other youth. They have multiple different ministries: Juvenile Justice,  Group Life (group homes), Campus Life (middle & high schools), City Life (boxing & fitness). All of these aspects of YFC bring an opportunity for believers to serve the youth of our city! 

Ortie stated, “My favorite thing is talking with the girls one on one. Having a relationship with them, trying to understand what is going on. One of my group homes is for pregnant teenagers. The past couple of weeks, I had the honor of going to the hospital twice with one of the girls having contractions (false labor). She told the staff that she appreciated that I stood with her the whole time. I think of these youths as if they were my own daughters and sons. I believe the Lord hears the cries of a mama’s heart. I may not be their biological mom, but I can be a spiritual mama.”

Our hearts burst with joy knowing that our Missions Department was able to have a hand in getting Ortie where the Lord wanted her. For those feeling the tug to get plugged in and start serving somewhere, I’ll leave you with this encouragement from Ortie, she stated “Spiritual warfare is real. The devil doesn’t want to hurt us, he wants to kill us (John 10:10). Especially when he knows you are a force for the kingdom of God. God will be with you, fight for you, and will open doors for you. He will give you the strength, strategies and tools on what to do when you feel doubt, or when you are fearful. You don’t always have to have it together or be perfect; I am constantly reminding myself of that, because fear always wants to come in. My prayer is always ‘Jesus help me to tell others about you’.”